I am going to auction off a family session to try to raise money to help my friend
Amelia Lyon's Father who has
ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease). She is trying to raise enough money to get him a handicap van. Her dad is such an amazing guy! Please read the posts about her dad on
Amelia's blog. I was particularly touched by this post by her dad.
"My dear daughter Amelia, I am so incredibly touched by the love and well wishes from all of your blog buddies. The things which have been posted have added to my life additional peace, great courage and an abundance of gratitude in life. I have decided that I no longer have ALS. I now have ALD, "A Lucky Dad". However, this disease doesn't ever end, it goes on forever! How could any father be discouraged, regardless of the situation, when he is blessed with such a loving family? I can not begin to tell you how deeply I love you. I understand how difficult this is in your life. I need you to know that everything is alright and the strength we are learning from this trial is far beyond our ability to understand today, but will be of priceless value in our future lives. I love you and you family so much. Love, Dad I just have one last thing to say to you. HAVE A GREAT DAY!"She auctioned a few family sessions and I was lucky enough to win one of them!!
Yay, I will FINALLY get some family pictures done! I was inspired by her and wanted to help some more so I am auctioning off a family session. The bidding will start at $175.00 and will include a 1-2 hr session, online gallery and a $175.00 print credit. My portrait sessions normally start at $325. Please submit your bids to
julie@julieparkerphotography.com The deadline for the auction will be Feb. 1st!
If you don't want a session, but would still like to donate you can send a check made out to Faye Brady and write Ken Brady handicap van fund on the bottom left side of the check.
PayPal Users who want to send Money for Ken's Van via
1. In
PayPal use this e-mail address to Send money:
van4ken@maxom2020.com2. When Making Payment, select "Services/Other", then 'Continue'
3. Before "Sending" the funds, Scroll to the bottom and using the "E-Mail to Recipient" Option, send your Full Name and Postal Address for their Records 4. ***Important***Print out Your
PayPal Receipt for your Records
Everything donated is tax deductable!
I took these sweet pictures of Amelia and her dad off of Amelia's blog.