....a day early! I am leaving for San Diego today to shoot Kyle and Bristyl's wedding and I'm not sure I will have internet access. I found this cute little lemonade stand kit at Target and bought one for my daughter and a couple more for summer birthday parties. Each item was only $2!!
Congratulations to my baby boy! Sniff sniff... I LOVE you!
Dillon graduates from Bonneville High School tomorrow AND he got a 4.0 his last quarter!!!! Dill, I'm so proud of you and I love you so much!
As an artist and a mother I try to be the best I can be, but with owning my own business I have come to realize and accept that I simply cannot do it all! I often wonder what would happen if I put as much time and energy into my family as I do my business. I try so hard to keep some kind of balance, but It can be so overwhelming at times! People ask me all the time, "how do you do it?" My answer is always,"I don't!" I know all you photographers can relate!
So for today's Favorite's Friday I want to share a blog of an amazing woman who does put 100% into her family. She has 8 children from 5 months to 14 yrs. old and she homeschoolsall ofthem!!!!! She has a fabulous blog filled with great resources such as recipes, family home evening lessons, craft tutorials and homeschool resources!! She's my idol! Check out her blog Chocolate on my Cranium!
If anyone in the San Diego area would like to second shoot a wedding with me on May 28th please contact me at julie@julieparkerphotography.com.
Also, if anyone would like a portrait session with me while I am there let me know! I have some time on Saturday the 29th after I take my surfing lesson(yay, I get to cross it off my bucket list)!!
DW came all the way from Atlanta Georgia for a three day mentoring session with me. He shot Dayne and Kaylee's engagements, a senior and a baby shoot with me before we got a chance to play with this fun windy shoot of my daughter Wren and her friend Brooke(Brookford)!
I had to post this picture of DW helping me haul all the crap we used for my nephew's shoot! I hope you had a good time DW, I know I did!!