I'm back from California. I competed in the Western Regionals waterski tournament in Sacramento, then shot a beautiful wedding in Napa in the same day! I'm so glad I got to compete! I ended up skiing a personal best even though the boat driver forgot to bump up my speed on my last pass from 32 to 34mph and made me think I had ran it. They gave me a re-ride at 34mph and I made it around 3 buoys...still a personal best!
I can't wait to share my images from the Napa wedding. It was absolutely perfect! Here I am with my friend that I waterski with here in Utah. Everyone skied really well.
It's been an insanely busy Summer!! I'm still not caught up on blogging, so I'm doing another combined post. The tournament waterski season has begun, and my 11 yr. old daughter took 2nd place in her very first tournament and I reached my goal of qualifying for Western regionals!!