My favorite thing to do when I am not taking pictures...water ski!!!! The other night I got to sit in the judges boat(the brand new Nautique)at the Goodewater ski tournament(which is unheard of)and take these pictures of my favorite professional water skier, Nick Parsons!!!! These pictures of him were taken after 9pm!! Dave Goode set up his new invention-the powerbuoy(lighted buoys)so the tournament could be finished in the dark!! This was taken with my 85mm f2, 1/2000 at 12800 iso . 85mm f3.2, 1/500 iso 6400 85mm f2, 1/2000, 12800 iso
I am super behind on blogging, orders, image presentations, laundry, etc. right now and am asking for you to please bear with me until I get caught up. Some things will need to take priority over others such as wedding announcement time lines, but I will get things done as soon as humanly possible! In the meantime, here is a little bit of what I have been up to!
There will be no favorite's Friday today, sorry! I am off to Lake Tahoe to shoot Ryan and Jenn's wedding! I will return all calls and emails when I return on Tuesday.
The Eppens are one of my VERY favorite families EVER and you can see why!! This shoot was so perfectly RANDOM!! I just LOVE IT!!!! They are the coolest family ever! Check out previous shoots here, here, here and here!I have also done some sr. picts and their family picts. before I got a blog! I love my job and being able to make great friends like the Eppens family!
My friend and I took our kids to a local carnival for some fun shots! It was super windy! Can you say...CARNIEFILE????